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General Crew

General crew, or 21st Century Civilians, are members of the starship that are not interested in cosplay and ranks.  They are welcome and encouraged to join us for events, both virtual and in-person, but aren't required to wear uniforms.  At any time if they decide to become more active or join in on the cosplay aspect, all they have to do is reach out to the Captain.

Alan Kobayashi

Ben Sword

Beth Hoover

Beth Meyer

Bill Huff

Bret Lewis McMillan Morris

Carlos Guzman

Charlene Merriam Ellenberg

Christian Hurst

Christopher Koch

Christopher Tsui

Clinton Willoughby

Colin Babb

Crystal Richards

Curtis Colon

Dan Curl

Darilyn Dunkerley

David Artz

David Xavier

Donna Runyon

Eli Sucha

Fergal Murphy

Glen Narbut

Grace Bridges

Heidi Moquin

James Bateman

James Brancato

Jason Garrett

Jeannie Brooks

Joe Gianetti

Joel Ehl

John Armand

John Coale

Jonathan Keefer

Josh Bucchioni

Josh rouch

Katie Delevati

Kelly Esslinger

Ken Buckler

Ken Carpenter

Kevin Miller

Kevin R Plummer

L Marie Martin

Lara Hearnburg Johnson

Larry Jones

Lee Decker

Lisette Agosto

Lourdes Bond

Lydia Stewartz

Mark Pittaway

Matt Rudawsky

Michael Brown

Michael Pecor

Moni Parra

Morgan Wesley Smith

Nicholas Allingham

Nico Morfessis

Pablo Torres

Patrick Leonhard

Patrick Snyder

Patrieka Bee

Paul Charaki

Rachel Floyd Swift

Rachel Graves

Raichelle Maisner

Rakib Hasan

Rei Moody

Ryan Cambell

Sarah Druck

Sarah Smith

Sean Otto

Simon Tam

Steve Rifkin

Suzie Buck

Thomas Deveraux

Timothy Ross

Tom Howard

Trixi Beeker

William Taylor

Yarrow First Hartling

Yeremiah Hardt

Zack Patterson

Zephyr Erwin

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